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Chapter 12 - Investigating Discrete Mathematics and Probability
Chapter 12-4 Homework: Problem 40, Page 736
A red, blue, and green die are rolled. The number on each die represents a side length of a triangle. So 4, 2, 4 would represent an isosceles triangle.
a. How many combinations can be rolled?
b. What is the probability that you could build an equilateral triangle?
c. What is the probability that you could build a nonequilateral isosceles triangle.
AMOF: The Amazing Mathematical Object Factory
Explore! Especially the Combination Generator and the Permutation Generator (they have icons in the right-hand column). By Frank Ruskey and Scott Lausch, the Computer Science Department of the University of Victoria, and Canada's SchoolNet initiative. Click here.
Permutation/Combination/Factorial Calculator
This calculator provides an easy way to compute factorials, permutations, and combinations. It is a little easier to use than your calculator. This online calculator will open a small second window in your browser for entering your data. By John Orr of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska. Click here.
Lewis Carroll "Pillow Problem" Simulator
From the Cut-the-Knot web site by Alexander Bogomolny. This online simulation can be used to find the solution to problem 30 on page 750 of the Glencoe text. Athough you should be able to come up with your own simulation! Click here.
Binomial Probability Test Applett
From the University of Stanford. A nice and quick way to visualize a particular binomial distribution pattern of interest. Click here.
Random Number Generator
Called the "Research Randomizer" by G. Urbaniak and S. Plous. You may find this a useful tool when designing your own simulations. Click here.
Word Combination Tip
Here is a tip that may help you do the "word combination" problems faster and more accurately. It is in PDF format to give you a sample file to try out and to show you the primary advantage of a PDF file - it looks just like the original. If you print this out and hold it next to my hadwritten original it is hard to tell the two apart, but this one can be distributed electronically!
Click here to download word combination tip
Tip: the little "PDF" icon is often used to indicate the link is to an Adobe PDF file.


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